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Monday, March 3, 2014

Jual Jasa Pengisian Hardisk untuk Film-Film Terbaik Dalam Sejarah

Saat ini tersedia lebih dari 2396 film!

Kami juga menyediakan beberapa serial terbaik dalam sejarah!

Jual Jasa Pengisian Hardisk untuk Film-Film Terbaik Dalam Sejarah untuk teman-teman semua, saya ingin menjual jasa pengisian Hardisk External khusus daerah purwokerto dan sekitarnya, murah dan semua filmnya kualitas dvdrip atau bbrip atau bahkan banyak yang bluray dan semuanya berekstensi avi, film-film yang saya jual adalah film-film yang masuk kategori film-film terbaik sepanjang sejarah versi:


tspdt 21st century (250-151)

tspdt 21st century (150-51)

tspdt 21st century (50-1)

Dan berbagai versi lainnya

Daftar Harga:

(+-) 300 film: 250.000-280.000
(+-) 500 film: 350.000-380.000
(+-) 700 film: 440.000-480.000
(+-) 950 film: 550.000-600.000
(+-) 1250 film: 850.000-1000.000
(+-) 1500 film: 1250.000-1400.000
(+-) 1750 film: 1750.0000-1900.0000
(+-) 2000 film: 2100.000-2300.000


1 Jika anda berpikir ini kemahalan karena ditempat lain harga 1 tera hanya 250 ribu hal itu disebabkan di jasa pengisian hardisk lain dihitungnya per-size bukan per-film sedangkan saya menawarkan jasa per-film, contoh jasa pengisian hardisk lain mematok harga 100 ribu per-500GB itu bukan berarti 500 film atau 500 game full tapi tergantung dari size-nya jika 500GB hanya muat 200 film atau game berarti anda hanya mendapatkan 200 film atau game sedangkan saya menawarkan jasa hardisk per-film bukan per-size, hal itu dikarenakan size film-film saya rata-rata kecil yaitu antara 700mb sampai 1gb dan paling besar hanya 4gb sedangkan jasa pengisian hardisk lain mungkin sampai 4-7gb rata-rata perfilm, jadi jasa pengisian hardisk saya tidak bergantung pada size

contoh: anda pesan 700 film dan hardisk anda 1 tera maka saya akan benar-benar isikan 700 film + bonus, jika tidak cukup maka saya akan menghubungi anda dan meminta anda mengurangi beberapa film dan harga tentu tergantung dari berapa film yang masuk ke dalam hardisk anda.

intinya jasa hardisk dari saya tidak bergantung pada size tetapi dihitung perfilm

2 Saya hanya melayani pengisian film terbaik saja jadi jika ada yang menanyakan film di luar daftar yang bukan film terbaik tidak akan saya layani

3 Minimal pengisian adalah 300 film, saya tidak akan melayani pembeli yang hanya memesan film di bawah 300 atau bahkan kurang dari itu

4 Tidak semua film tercatat disini karena koleksi saya juga semakin bertambah (total koleksi khusus hanya untuk film terbaik sepanjang masa ada 2396 film)

5 Tidak perlu menanyakan kenapa film favorit anda tidak masuk list karena saya membuat list berdasarkan daftar-daftar film terbaik yang disusun kritikus dan sineas profesional

6 Jika ada film terbaik versi kritikus maupun sineas profesional yang kalian yakini tidak ada dalam daftar silahkan tanyakan saya, mungkin saja filmnya tidak tercatat oleh saya

Harga jasa hardisk saya sudah termasuk murah, jika dihitung-hitung 1 film hanya berharga 1000-1500 rupiah, hayo daripada ke warnet ngabisin 3000 1 film belum tentu selesai hhehhe 

Dan ini daftar film-film yang tersedia

(Terdiri dari 2 daftar yaitu daftar A dan B)

Daftar A kebanyakan berisi film-film langka yang sulit didapat dan jika ada yang dilabeli film langka berarti film itu 10 kali lipat lebih sulit didapatkan daripada film langka yang lainnya sedangkan daftar B kebanyakan berisi daftar film dengan kualitas HD baik Bluray maupun Dvdrip ataupun BrRip

catatan: jika misalnya di bagian alphabeht A tiba-tiba ada film yang diawali alphabeth lain itu berarti judul originalnya  itu adalah beralphabeth A misalnya pada alphabeth D ada judul The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (T) itu karena judul originalnya adalah Das Testament of Dr. Mabuse (D) karena list       saya menggunakan judul internasional  walaupun untuk alphabeth L saya kebanyakan menggunakan judul original karena kalau saya memakai judul internasional jadinya akan acak-acakan walau ada film yang tidak sesuai urutan karena film itu baru saya dapatkan (misalnya film Her (2013) yang baru rilis bulan kemarin)

Catatan: lebih baik jadikan Rotten tomatoes, wikipedia atau untuk acuan, walaupun di metacritic tidak semua film ada dan jangan jadikan Imdb acuan karena Imdb sudah diracuni oleh para fansboy atau fangirl yang memvote tinggi film favorit mereka sekaligus memvote rendah film lain atau film yang mereka benci hanya untuk mendokrak popularitas film favorit mereka

Teman-teman dapat menghubungi saya di nomor 082364171112  atas nama Egi David Perdana

Cara Pemesanan:

1 Isi Daftar film yang ingin dibeli (minimal 300 film) ke email

2 Sms ke nomor saya dan informasikan bahwa kawan-kawan ingin diisi hardisknya, nanti saya akan memberi alamat saya dengan lengkap

3 Ketemuan di rumah saya, sobat berikan hardisk sobat ke saya dan saya isikan minimal sore jadi dan maksimal pengisian 3 hari tergantung seberapa banyak yang mengantri

4 Jika sudah selesai saya akan sms sobat dan sobat bisa ambil hardisk sobat di rumah saya

5 Dan terakhir jangan lupa dipromosikan ya hhehhe ;)


Bonus film pendek:

300 film - bonus 15 film pendek
500 film - bonus 25 film pendek
700 film - bonus 35 film pendek
850 film - bonus 45 film pendek
1250 film - bonus 55 film pendek
1500 film - bonus 65 film pendek
1750 film - bonus 75 film pendek
2000 film - bonus 100 film pendek

ps: mohon maaf jika ada judul yang double atau nomer urut yang kadang loncat-loncat karena saya juga manusia biasa yang tak luput dari kesalahan

Ps: tidak semua film tercatat karena ada banyak film yang baru saya dapat setelah updatetan pertama blog ini

95 persen film bersubtitle inggris karena memang susah mencari film klasik atau film yang jarang diketahui khalayak luas di indonesia dengan sub indonesia

 Berikut daftar film yang saya pisahkan menjadi daftar A dan B:          


A Day in the Country
A Movie
A Trip to the Moon
About a Girl
Annabelle Serpentine Dance ----> film berwarna pertama di dunia
Arnulf Rainer
Bara Prata Lite
Boy and Bicycle
Charlotte et Véronique Tous les Garçons s Appellent Patrick
Copy Shop
Daybreaker Express
Dear Phone
Dimensions of Dialogue 
Duck Amuck 
El Secdleto de la Tlompeta
Father and Daughter 
Flaming Creatures
Five Feet High and Rising
Free Radicals
George Lucas in Love
Gisele Kerozene
Härlig är Jorden
Hedgehog in the Fog 
Hold Me While I'm Naked 
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Il Giorno Della Prima di Close Up
Inside Out
Jet'aime John Wayne
Koncert Zyczen
L'arrivée D'un Train à la Ciotat 
L'homme Sans Tête
La Jetée
Land without Bread 
Le Ballon Rouge
Le Batteur du Boléro
Le Sang des Bêtes
Les Maitres Fous
Listen to Britain 
Meshes of the Afternoon
My Wrongs 8245-8249 and 117
Necrology Roll Call of the Dead
Night and Fog
Office Linebacker
One Week
Outer Space 
Rose Hobart
Screen Test # Helmut
Scorpio Rising
Sherlock Jr
Simon of the Desert 
Steamboat Willie
Street of Crocodiles
Tale of Tales
Telling Lies
Terminal Bar
The Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes
The Cat Concerto 
The Discipline of D.E
The Girl Chewing Gum
The Great Train Robbery
The House is Black
The Lunch Date
The Man who Planted Trees
The Music Box
The Sheep Thief
The Short & Curlies
The Snowman 
The Wraith of Cobble Hill
Tea Break
Uk Images
Un Chant D'amour 
Un Chien Andalou
Unsere Afrikareise
Vremena Goda
Wallace and Gromit in a Close Shave
Wallace and Gromit in the Wrong Trousers 
Who`s my Favourite Girl
Window Water Baby Moving
Zero for Conduct
Zvahlav Aneb Saticky Slameného Huberta


1 !Que viva mexico! (1932)
2 ¡Three Amigos! (1986)
3 3  Women (1977)
4 3 10 to yuma (1957)
5 3 10 to yuma (2007)
6 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days (2007)
7 7 women (1966) - No Subs
8 21 Grams (2003)
9 35 Rhums (2008)
10 42nd street (1933)
11 1900 (1976)
12 2001: A space odyssey (1968)
13 A boy and his dog (1975)
14 A brighter summer day (1991)
15 A christmas tale (2008)
16 A face in the crowd (1957)
17 A fish called Wanda (1988)
18 A man for all seasons (1966)
19 A matter of life and death (1946)
21 À nos amours (1983)
22 A place in the sun (1951)
23 A room with a view (1985)
24 A separation (2011)
25 A time to love and a time to die (1958)
26 The Turin horse (2011)
27 A woman under the influence (1974)
28 Accattone (1961)
29 Ace in the hole (1951)
30 Ace Ventura: Pet detective (1994)
31 Adam's rib (1949)
32 Vive l'Amour (1994)
33 Street of shame (1956)
34 Late Autumn (1960)
35 Alexander Nevsky (1938)
36 All that heaven allows (1955)
37 All that jazz (1979)
38 All the king's men (1949)
39 Almost famous (2000)
40 Alphaville (1965)
41 Amores perros (2000)
42 Amour (2012)
43 An american in paris (1951)
44 An american werewolf In london (1981)
45 An angel at my table (1990)
46 Anhorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
47 Angel (1937)
48 Days and nights in the forest (1970)
49 Argo (2012)
50 Arizona dream (1992)
51 Army of shadows (1969)                                                    
53 Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
54 As i was moving ahead occasionally i saw brief glimpses of beauty (2000)
55 Elevators to the gallows (1958)
56 Assault on precinct 13 (1976)
57 Atonement (2007)
58 Audition (1999)
59 Autumn sonata (1999)
60 The Iron gate (1958)
61 Bad day at black rock (1955)
62 Bad timing (1980)
63 Badlands (1973)
64 Stolen kisses (1968)
65 Early summer (1951)
66 Bamako (2006)
67 Bananas (1971)
68 Band of brothers (2001) Tv mini-series
69 Band of outsiders (1964)
70 Late chrysanthemums (1954)
71 Barton Fink (1991)
72 Beau travail (1999)
73 Becket (1964)
74 Bedazzled (1967)
75 Before midnight (2013)
76 Before sunrise (1995)
77 Before sunset (2004)
78 A city of sadness (1989)
79 Beware of the car (1966)
80 Berlin alexanderplatz (1980) - Tv mini-series
81 Berlin: Symphony of a great city (1927)
82 Beverly hills cop (1984)
83 Beyond the valley of the dolls (1970)
84 Bigger than life (1956)
85 Billy Elliot (2000)
86 The Burmese harp (1956)
87 Black God, white devil (1964)
88 Black narcissus (1947)
89 Black swan (2010)
90 Blackmail (1929)
91 Blood simple. (1984)
92 Blow out (1981)
93 Blowup (1966)
94 Bob le flambeur (1956)
95 Boogie nights (1997)
96 Borat (2006)
97 Boudu saved from drowning (1932)
98 Boyz n the hood (1991)
99 Breakfast at tiffany's (1961)
100 Breaking away (1979)

101 Breaking the waves (1996)
102  Brief encounter (1945)
103 Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia (1974)
104 Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
105 Broken blossoms (1919)
106 Bull durham (1988)
107 Caché AKA Hidden (2005)
108 Caddyshack (1980)
109 Camille (1936)
110 Cannibal holocaust (1980)
111 Capote (2005)
112 Captain Blood (1935)
113 Carnival of souls (1962)
114 Carrie (1976)
115 Carry on screaming! (1966) - No Subs
116 Casino (1995)
117 Cat people (1942)
118 Catch me if u can (2002)
119 Ceddo (1977)
120 Celine and Julie go boating (1974)
121 Central station (1998)
122 That obscure object of desire (1977)
123 Chelsea girls (1966)
 124 Chicago (2002)
 125 Chicken run (2000)
 126 Chikamatsu monogatari (1954)
 127 Children of men (2006)
 128 Chimes at midnight AKA Falstaff (1965)
 129 The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach            (1968)
 130 Chronicle of a summer (1961) 
 131 Happy together (1997)
 132 City slickers (1991)
 133 Claire's knee (1970)
 134 Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)
 135 Clerks. (1994)
 136 Code unknown (2000)

137 Come and see (1985)
138 Coming to america (1988)
139 Certified copy (2010)                             
141 Cries and whispers (1972)
142 Crimes and misdemeanors (1989)
143 Black cat, white cat (1998)
144 Crumb (1994)
145 The Red and the white (1967)
146 Cul-de-sac (1966)
147 Cyrano De Bergerac (1990)
148 Dalla nube alla resistenza (1979)
149 Dallas buyers club (2013)
150 Dancer in the dark (2000)
151 Dark city (1998)
152 Dark star (1974)
153 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933)
154 Dawn of the dead (1978) - No Subs
155 Day of wrath (1943)
156 Days of heaven (1978)
157 Dazed and confused (1993)
158 Dead man (1995)
159 Dead of night (1945)
160 Dead ringers (1988)
161 Deadly is the female (1950)
162 Death in venice (1971)
163 Decision at sundown (1957)
164 Dekalog (1989) - Tv mini-series
165 Delicatessen (1991)
166 Deliverance (1972)
167 Destiny (1921)
168 The Tiger of eschnapur (1959)
169 The Dead of Maria Malibran (1972)
170 Design for living (1933)
171 D'est (1993) - No Subs
172 Detour (1945)
173 The Childhood of Maxim Gorky (1938)
174 Dial m for murder (1954)
175 Diary of a country priest (1951)
176 The Threepenny Opera (1931)
177 The Bitter tears of Petra von Kant (1972)
178 The Tin drum (1979)
179 The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979)
180 Veronika Voss (1982)
181 Diner (1982)
182 The Killer (1989)
183 Dirty Harry (1971)
184 Dirty rotten scoundrels (1988)
185 Distant voices, still lives (1988)
186 Django (1966)
187 Django unchained (2012)
188 Dodsworth (1936)
189 Dog star man (1961-1964) - No sound (darisononya filmnya memang gak ada suaranya :) )
190 Dogville (2003)
191 Dolls (2002)
192 Time of the gypsies (1988)
193 Donnie brasco (1997)
194 Don't look back (1967)
195 Down by law (1986)
196 Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (1922)
197 Dr. No (1962)
198 Dracula (1958)
199 Drive (2011)
201 Duel (1971) - Tv movie - film pertama steven spielberg
202 Duel in the sun (1946)
203 Dune (1984)

204 Edvard Munch (1974) - Tv movie
205 El Dorado (1966)
206 Quince tree of the sun (1992)
207 El sur (1983)
208 El Topo (1970)
209 El verdugo (1963)
210 Election (1999)
211 In praise of love (2001)
212 In the city of  Sylvia (2007)
213 The Criminal life of Archibaldo de la Cruz        (1955)
214 Ernest et Célestine (2013)
215 Escape from new york (1981)
216 Europa '51 (1952)
217 Excalibur (1981)
226 Faster, pussycat! kill! kill! (1965) - No Subs
227 Fat city (1972)
229 Faust (1926)
230 Fox and his friends (1975)
231 Fellini - satyricon (1969)
232 Fellini's roma (1972)
233 Ferris Bueller's day off  (1986)
234 Festen (1998)
235 Finding Nemo (2003)
236 Finding neverland (2004)
237 Fires were started (1943) - No Subs

238 Fitzcarraldo (1982)
240 Foolish wives (1922) - Ontario Cut Version
241 Footlight parade (1933)
242 Forbidden planet (1956)
243 Force of evil (1948)
244 Forty guns (1957)
245 The Flower of St. Francis (1950)
246 In a better world (2010)
247 French cancan (1954)
248 Fritz the cat (1972)
249 Vengeance is mine (1979)
250 Funny face (1957)
251 Funny games (1997)
252 Future boy Conan (1978) - Tv mini-series
253 Gattaca (1997)
254 Head-on (2004)
255 Gengsi dong (1980) - film warkop terlucu :D
256 The 47 ronin (1941)
257 Gentlemen prefer blondes (1953)
258 George Washington (2000)
259 Get Carter (1971)
260 Ghostbusters (1984)
261 Giant (1956)
262 Gilda (1946)
263 Gimme shelter (1970)
264 Giù la testa (1971)
265 Juliet of the spirit (1965)
266 Goes who's coming to dinner (1967)
267 Gold diggers of 1933 (1933)
268 Good bye Lenin! (2003)
269 Good will hunting (1997)
270 Gran torino (2008)
271 Great expectations (1946)
272 Grey gardens (1975)
273 Gummo (1997)
274 Gwoemul (2006)
275 Flowers of shanghai (1998)
276 Hallelujah! (1929)
277 Hana-bi (1997)
278 Hannah and her sisters (1986)
279 Happiness (1998)
280 Harold and Maude (1971)
281 Hatari! (1962)
282 Howl's moving castle (2004)
283 Häxan (1922)
284 He liu (1997)
285 Hearts of darkness: A filmmaker's apocalypse (1991)
286 Heaven can wait (1943)
287 Heimat (1984) - Tv mini-series
288 Hellzapoppin' (1941) - No Subs 
289 Torment (1944)
290 Equinox Flower (1958)
291 High plains drifter (1973)
292 His girl friday (1940)
293 Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988-1998) - Video
294 The Only Son (1936)
295 My neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
297 Holiday (1938) 
298 Holy motors (2012)
299 Red Sorghum (1987)
300 Hoop dreams (1994)
301 Hitler: A film from germany (1977)
302 The Firemen's ball (1967)
303 Hôtel terminus (1988)

304 House of flying daggers (2004)
305 How to train your dragon (2010)
306 Yellow earth (1985)
307 Hud (1963)
308 Hunger (2008)
309 Husbands (1970)
310 Hyenas (1992) - film langka
311 I am a fugitive from a chain gang (1932)
312 I know where i'm going! (1945)
313 I saw the devil (2010)
314 Big deal on Madonna street (1958)
315 I vitelloni (1953)
317 The Idiots (1998)
318 If... (1968)
319 Fellini's Casanova (1976)
320 Red desert (1964)
321 The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1970)
322 Il grido (1957)
323 Il posto (1961)
324 I'm not there (2007)
325 Imitation of life (1959)
326 In a lonely place (1950)
327 In a year with 13 moons (1978)
328 This is not a film (2011)

329 In the name of the father (1993)
330 In the realm of the senses (1976)
331 Incendies (2010)
332 India: Matri bhumi (1959)
333 India song (1975)
334 Inland empire (2006)
335 Into the wild (2007)
336 It's a gift (1934)
337 Jagal AKA The Act of killing (2012)
338 The Hunt (2012)

339 I'm going home (2001)
340 Jerry Maguire (1996)
341 Jezebel (1938)
342 JFK (1991)
343 Gate of hell (1953)
344 Jin-Rô (1999)
345 Ju Dou (1990)
346 Ninja scroll (1993)
347 Judgment at nuremberg (1961)
348 Reason, debate and a story (1974)
349 Jules and Jim
350 The Virgin spring (1960)
351 Jurassic park (1993)
352 Colossal youth (2006)
353 Kaagaz ke phool (1959)

354 Kwaidan (1964)
355 Nausicaä of the valley of the wind (1984)
356 Kes (1969)
358 Where is the friends home (1987)
359 Killer of sheep (1979)
360 Kingpin (1996)
361 Kings of the road (1976)
362 The End of summer (1961)
363 Branded to kill (1967)
364 Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
365 A short film about killing (1988)
366 Kung fu panda (2008)
367 La belle noiseuse (1991)
368 La bête humaine (1938)
369 La caduta degli dei (Götterdämmerung) (1969)
370 La chienne (1931)
371 La ciénaga (2001)
372 La collectionneuse (1967)
373 La commune (Paris, 1871) (2000)
374 The Woman next door (1981)
375 La haine (1995)
376 The Hour of the furnaces (1968)
377 Carnival in flanders (1935)
378 La libertad (2001)
379 The Headless woman (2008)
380 The Holy girl (2004)
381 La noire de... (1966) - film langka
382 La notte (1961)
383 Day for night (1973)
384 La nuit du carrefour (1932)
385 The Piano teacher (2001)
386 The Rise of Louis XIV (1966) - Tv movie
387 La région centrale (1971) 
388 La ronde (1950)
389 La roue (1923)
390 La strada (1954)
391 La terra trema (1948)
392 Lacombe Lucien (1974)
393 L'âge d'or (1930)
394 L'amour fou (1969) - film langka 
395 L'argent (1983)
396 Loves of a blonde (1965)
397 Last year at marienbad (1961)
398 Late spring (1949)
400 Le bonheur (1965)         
401 Le boucher (1970)                                                                                         
402 The Golden coach (1952)                                                                                            
403 Le cercle rouge (1970)
404 Le corbeau (1943)
405 Le deuxième souffle (1966)
406 Le diable au corps (1947)
407 The Devil, probably (1977)
408 The Phantom of Liberty (1974)
409 The Son (2002)
410 Le fond de l'air est rouge (1977)
411 The Kid with a bike (2011)
412 Le havre (2011)
413 Le million (1931)
414 Le plaisir (1952)
415 Port of shadows (1938)
416 The Green Ray (1986)
417 Le samouraï (1967)
419 The Diving bell and the butterfly (2007)
420 Murmur of the heart (1971)
421 The Last Bolshevik (1993)
422 Le trou (1960)
423 L'eclisse (1962)
424 L'emploi du temps (2001)
425 L'enfance nue (1968)
426 The Lovers on the bridge (1991)
427 Regular lovers (2005)
428 Les dames du bois de boulogne (1945)
429 Les demoiselles de rochefort (1967)
430 Two english girls (1971)
431 Les diaboliques (1955)
432 The Gleaners and I (2000)
434 Les vampires (1915) - Serial
435 Letters from iwo jima (2006)
436 The Cranes are flying (1957)
437 Dust in the wind (1987)
438 Liebelei (1933)
439 Life of Pi (2012)
440 The Intruder (2004)
442 Little big man (1970)
443 Little caesar (1931)
444 Local hero (1983)
445 Lock, stock and two smoking barrels (1998)
446 Lola rennt (1998)
447 Lolita (1962)
448 Lone star (1996)
449 Uncle Boonmee who can recall his past lives (2010)
450 Los olvidados (1950)
451 Lost highway (1997)
452 Love me tonight (1932) - No Subs
453 Love streams (1984)
454 Ludwig (1972)
455 Macbeth (1948)
456 Mad max 2 (1981)
457 Mädchen in uniform (1931)
458 Major Dundee (1965)
459 Make way for tomorrow (1937)
460 Mamma roma (1962)
461 Man of the west (1958)
462 Man on wire (2008)
463 Man's castle (1933) - No Subs 
464 Marketa Lazarová (1967)
465 Marnie (1964)
466 Marty (1955)
467 Mary and Max (2009)
468 Masculin féminin (1966)
469 Mother and son (1997)
470 McCabe & mrs. Miller (1971)
471 Me and my gal (1932) - No Subs
472 Meet me in st. Louis (1944)
473 The Cloud-capped star (1960)
474 Melancholia (2011)
475 Memories of tomorrow (2006)
476 Memories of underdevelopment (1968)
477 Memories (1995)
478 People on sunday (1930)
479 Mephisto (1981)
480 Metoroporisu (2001)
481 Midnight (1939)
482 Midnight run (1988)
483 The Man without a past (2002)
484 Mildred Pierce (1945)
485 Millennium mambo (2001)
486 Miller's crossing (1990)
487 Minority report (2002)
488 Miracle in milan (1951)
489 Mysteries of lisbon (2010)
490 Moana (1926) - film langka- kualitas rendah akan diperbaiki menjadi lebih baik
491 The Death of mister Lazarescu (2005)
492 Mon oncle (1958)
493 Mon oncle d'amérique (1980)
494 Monsters, inc. (2001)
495 Moolaadé (2004)
496 Moon (2009)
497 Moonstruck (1987)
498 Morocco (1930)
499 Mother india (1957)
501 Mouchette (1967)
502 Moulin rouge! (2001)
503 My friend Ivan Lapshin (1984)
504 Mr. Arkadin (1955)
505 Mr. Deeds goes to town (1936)
506 Muriel (1963)
507 Mutiny on the bounty (1935)
508 My darling Clementine (1946)
509 My left foot (1989)
510 My life as a dog (1985)
511 My man Godfrey (1936)
511 My own private idaho (1991)

512 My winnipeg (2007)
513 Naked (1993)
514 Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
515 The Ballad of Narayama (1983)
516 National velvet (1944)
517 Nazarín (1959)
518 Near dark (1987)
520 Neon genesis evangelion (1995) Tv mini series
521 New york, new york (1977)
522 Not reconciled (1965) - film langka
523 Night of the demon (1957)
524 Humanity and paper balloons (1937)
525 Ninotchka (1939)

526 The Insect woman (1963)
527 In Vanda's room (2000) - film langka
528 Nostalghia (1983)
529 Nouvelle vague - film langka
530 Now, voyager (1942)
531 Knife in the water (1962)
532 A moment of innocence (1996)
533 O brother, where art thou (2000)
534 Antonio Das Mortes (1969) - No Subs
535 O lucky man! (1973)
536 Ocean's eleven (2001
537 Odd man out (1947)

538 Oklahoma! (1955)
539 Okraina (1933)
540 October (1928)
541 Olympia part one (1938)
542 Olympia part two (1938)
543 On the town (1949)
544 One, two, three (1961)
545 One-eyed Jacks (1961) -No Subs
546 Onibaba (1964)
547 Only angels have wings (1939)
548 When a woman ascends the stair (1960)
549 Open range (2003)
550 Opening night (1977)
551 Black Orpheus (1959)
552 Wings of honneamise (1987)
553 Orlando (1992)
554 Orphans of the storm (1921)
555 Ossessione (1943)
556 Closely watched train (1966)
557 I was born, but... (1932)
558 Our hospitality (1923)
559 Out 1: Spectre (1974)
560 Out of the past (1947)
563 Pale rider (1985)
564 Papillon (1973)
565 Paranormal activity (2007)
566 Paris, texas (1984)
567 Party girl (1958) - No Subs
568 Passion (1982)
569 Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (1973)
570 Peeping Tom (1960)
571 Pelle the conqueror (1987)
572 Pengabdi setan (1982) - film horror terseram dalam sejarah perfilman indonesia
573 Pépé Le Moko (1937)
574 Performance (1970)
575 Persepolis (2007)
576 Phantasm (1979)
577 Pickup on south street (1953)
578 Picnic at hanging rock (1975)
579 Pink flamingos (1972)
580 Pink floyd the wall (1982)
581 Pirates of the caribbean: The Curse of the black pearl (2003)
582 Pixote (1981)
583 Placido (1961)
584 Play it again, Sam (1972)
585 Plein soleil (1960)
586 Point blank (1967)
587 Poltergeist (1982)
588 Possession (1981)
589 Precious (2009)
590 Predator (1987)
591 Pride & prejudice (2005)
592 Providence (1977)
593 Punch-drunk love (2002)
594 Pyaasa (1957)
595 Four nights of a dreamer (1971) - film langka
596 Queen Christina (1933)
597 Queen Kelly (1929)
598 Raising arizona (1987)
599 Ratatouille (2007)
600 Rebel without a cause (1955)

601 Red beard (1965)
602 Reds (1981)
603 Repo man (1984)
604 Ride the high country (1962)
605 Rififi (1955)
606 Ring (1998)
607 Road to perdition (2002)
608 Rocco and his brothers  (1960)
609 Room at the top (1959)
610 Rope (1948)
613 Rosetta (1999)
614 Ruggles of red gap (1935)
615 Samurai x: Trust & betrayal (1999) - video
616 Rushmore (1998)
617 Russian ark (2002)
618 Sabotage (1936)
619 Safe (1995)
620 Salesman (1968)
621 Memories of murder (2003)
622 Salo, or the 120 days of sodom (1975)
623 Salvatore Giuliano (1962)

624 Sands of iwo jima (1949)
625 Syndromes and a century (2006)
626 Song from the second floor (2000)
627 An autumm afternoon (1962)
628 Sans soleil (1983)
629 Vagabond (1985)
630 Still life (2006)
631 Saraband (2003) - Tv movie
632 Saturday night and sunday morning (1960)
633 Saturday night fever (1977)
634 Sauve qui peut (La vie) (1980)
635 The Color of pomegranates (1968)
636 Scenes from a marriage (1968) - versi theater

637 Scenes from a marriage (1968) - tv mini series
639 Seconds (1966) - No Subs
640 Secrets and lies (1996)
641 Daisies (1966)
642 Sense and sensibility (1995)
643 Seven brides for seven brothers (1954)
644 Seven chances (1925)

645 Seventh heaven (1927)
646 Sex, lies, and videotape (1989)
647 Sexy beast (2000)
648 Shadow of a doubt (1943)
649 Shadows (1959)
650 Shane (1953)
651 Shanghai express (1932)
652 Shaun of the dead (2004)
653 She done him wrong (1933)
654 Shin heike monogatari (1955)
655 Neon genesis evangelion: The End of evangelion (1997)
656 Shoah (1985)
657 Shock corridor (1963)
658 Shoeshine (1946)
659 Shoot the piano player (1960)
660 Short cuts (1993)
661 Shrek (2001)
662 Shutter (2004)
663 Shutter island (2010)
665 Sicilia! (1999)
666 Sideways (2004)
668 Sin city (2005)
669 Sister act (1992)
670 Sleeper (1973)
671 Sleeping beauty (1959)
672 Sleepless in seattle (1993)
673 Smiles of a summer night (1955)
674 Under the roofs of paris (1930)
675 Soy cuba (1964)
676 Spellbound (2002)
677 Spione (1928)
678 Splendor in the grass (1961)
679 Spring in a small town (1948)
680 Stalker (1979)
681 Stand by me (1986)
682 Star trek (2009
683 Star trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
684 Stardust memories (1980)
685 Starship troopers (1997)
686 Steamboat Bill, Jr (1928)
688 Silent light (2007)
689 Storm over asia (1928)
690 Stranger than fiction (2006)
691 Stranger than paradise (1984)
693 Strike (1925)
694 Stromboli (1950)
695 Subarnarekha (1965) - film langka
696 Tropical malady (2004)
697 Blissfully yours (2002)
698 Women of the dunes (1964)
699 Sweet smell of success (1957)
700 Sweetgrass (2009) - No Subs

701 Synecdoche, new york (2008)
702 The Round-up (1966)
703 Like stars on earth (2007)
704 Tabu (2012)
705 Taste of cherry (1997)
706  Team america: World police (2004)
707 Ten (2002) - film langka
708 High and low (1963)

709 Castle in the sky (1986)
710 Teorema (1968)
711 The Terminator (1984)
712 Terminator 2: Judgment day (1991)
713 Terra em transe (1967)
714 The 39 steps (1935)
716 The Age of innocence (1993)
717 The Amityville horror (1979)
718 The Andromeda strain (1971)
719 The Artist (2011)
720 The Asphalt jungle (1950)
721 The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford (2007)
722 The Awful truth (1937)
723 The Bad and the beautiful (1952)
724 The Bank dick (1940)
725 The Battle of algiers (1966)
726 The Big heat (1953)
727 The Big parade (1925)

728 The Big red one (1980)
729 The Big sleep (1946)
730 The Bitter tea of general Yen (1933)
731 The Black cat (1934) - No Subs
732 The Blair witch project (1999)
733 The Blues brothers (1980)
734 The Cameraman (1928)
735 The Changeling (1980)
736 Henry V (1944)
738 The Conformist (1970)
739 The Conversation (1974)
740 The Crying game (1992)
741 The Defiant ones (1958)
742 The Devil is a woman (1935)
743 The Devils (1971)
744 The Devil's advocate (1997)
745 The Dirty dozen (1967)
746 The Docks of new york (1928)
747 The Double life of Veronique (1991)
748 The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974)
749 The Exterminating angel (1962)
750 The Fallen idol (1948)
751 The Fifth element (1997)
752 The Fly (1986)
753 The Fountainhead (1949)
754 The Full monty (1997)
755 The Ghost and mrs. Muir (1947)
756 The Gospel according to st. Matthew (1964)
757 The Great escape (1963)                                                                   
759 The Hart of london (1970) - No Subs film langka
760 The Haunting (1963)
761 The Heiress (1949)
762 The Holy mountain (1973)
763 The Hours (2002)
764 The House of mirth (2000)
765 The Hustler (1961)
766 The Incredible shrinking man (1957)
767 The Incredibles (2004)
768 The Informer (1935)
769 The Innocents (1961)
770 The Insider (1999)
771 The Iron Giant (1999)
772 The Jerk (1979)
773 The Kid brother (1927)
774 The Killers (1946)
775 The Killing (1956)
776 The Killing of a chinese bookie (1976)
777 The King's speech (2010)
778 The Ladies man (1961)
779 The Lady Eve (1941)
780 The Lady from shanghai (1947)
781 The Lady vanishes (1938)
782 The Ladykillers (1955)
783 The Last king of scotland (2006)
784 The Last laugh (1924)
785 The Last temptation of Christ (1988)
786 The Life and death of colonel blimp (1943)
787 The Life of Emile Zola (1937)
788 The Life of Oharu (1952)
789 The Lion in winter (1968)
790 The Long day closes (1992)
791 The Long goodbye (1973)
792 The Lost weekend (1945)
793 The Lost world (1925)
794 The Lusty men (1952)
795 The Magnificent seven (1960)
796 The Man who fell to earth (1976)
797 The Man who would be king (1975)
798 The Master (2012)
799 The Miracle of Morgan's creek (1944)
800 The Misfits (1961)

801 The Naked spur (1953)
802 The Navigator (1924)
803 The Nightmare before christmas (1993)
804 The Notebook (2004)
805 The Nutty professor (1963)
806 The Odd couple (1968)
807 The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
808 The Ox-bow incident (1943)
809 The Palm beach story (1942)
810 The People under the stairs (1991) 
811 The Pink panther strikes again (1976)
812 The Player (1992)
813 The Prestige (2006)
814 The Pride of the yankees (1942)
815 The Princess bride (1987)
816 The Private life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
817 The Proposition (2005)
818 The Public enemy (1931)
819 The Purple rose of cairo (1985)
820 The Queen (2006)
821  The Quiet man (1952)    
822  The Reckless moment (1949)                                                 
823  The Red shoes (1948)                                                                                                         
824 The Right stuff (1983)
825 The River (1951)
826 The Roaring twenties (1939)
827 The Royal tenenbaums (2001)
828 The Sacrifice (1986)
829 The Servant (1963) - No Subs
830 The Shanghai gesture (1941) - No Subs
831 The Shooting (1966) 
832 The Shop around the corner (1940)
834 The Sorrow and the pity (1969)
835 The Spirit of the beehive (1973)

836 The Story of the last chrysanthemums (1939)
837 The Stranger (1946)
838 The Sun shines bright (1953) - No Subs
839 The Sweet hereafter (1997)
840 The Tarnished angels (1957)
841 The Ten commandments (1956)
842 The Thin blue line (1988)
843 The Thin man (1934)
844 The Thing from another world (1951)
845 The Tree of life (2010)
846 The Trial (1962)
847 The Triplets of belleville (2003)
848 The Umbrellas of cherbourg (1964)
849 The Unknown (1927)
850 The Untouchables (1987)
851 The Verdict (1982)
852 The War of the worlds (1953)
853 The Wedding march (1928)
854 The Woman in the window (1944)
855 Thelma & Louise (1991)
856 They live by night (1948)
857 They were expendable (1945)
858 Things to come (1936)
859 Thunderbolt and lightfoot (1974)
860 THX 1138 (1971)
861 Tie xi qu: West of the tracks (2003) - film langka
862 Shadows of forgotten ancestors (1964)
863 Titicut follies (1967)
864 To be and to have (2002)
865 To the wonder
866 All about my mother (1999)
867 Tom Jones (1963)
868 A time to live, a time to die (1985)
869 Toni (1935)
870 Top hat (1935)
871 Landscape in the mist (1988)
872 Topsy-turvy (1999)
873 Touchez pas au grisbi (1954)
874 Touki bouki (1973)
875 Tout va bien (1972)
876 Traffic (2000)
877 Tristana (1970)
878 Triumph of the will (1935)
879 Trouble in paradise (1932)
880 True heart Susie (1919)
882 The match factory girl (1990)
883 Twelve monkeys (1995)
884 Two or three things i know about her (1967)
885 Two-lane blacktop (1971)
886 By the bluest of seas (1936) - film langka
887 The Hawks and the sparrows (1966)
888 Floating weeds (1959)
889 A story of floating weeds (1934)
890 Umberto D. (1952)
892 The Italian straw hat (1928)
894 Unbreakable (2000)
895 Underground (1995)
896 Une femme est une femme (1961)
867 Une histoire de vent (1988) - film langka
898 Unforgiven (1992)
899 United 93 (2006) 

901 Under the bridges (1946)
902 Up in the air (2009)
903 Distant (2002)
904 Vacation (1983)
905 Abraham's valley (1993)
906 Vampyr (1932)
907 Hour of the wolf (1968)
908 Varieté (1925) - film langka
909 Journey to italy (1954)
910 Barren lives (1963)
911 Videodrome (1983)
912 Viridiana (1961)
913 Vivre sa vie (1962)
914 Volver (2006)
915 The Ascent (1977)
916 War and peace (1966)
918 WR: Mysteries of the organism (1971)
919 Wagon master (1950)
920 Waking life (2001)
921 Walkabout (1971)

924 Waltz with bashir (2008)
925 Wanda (1970) - No Subs
926 After life (1998)
927 The Bad sleep well (1960)
929 Way down east (1920)
930 Way out west (1937)
931 Week-end (1967)
932 Wendy and Lucy (2008)
933 Werckmeister harmonies (2000)
944 Westworld (1973)

945 When Harry met Sally (1989)
946 White heat (1949)
947 Wild at heart (1990)
948 Wild river (1960)
949 Winchester '73 (1950)
951 Wings of desire (1987)
952 Within our gates (1920)
953 Withnail & I (1987)
954 Witness (1985)
955 Witness for the prosecution (1957)
956 Woodstock (1970)
957 Written on the wind (1956)
958 Wuthering heights (1939)
959 Xala (1975)
960 The Puppetmaster (1993) - film langka
961 A touch of zen (1971)
962 Yeelen (1987)
963 Yellow submarine (1968)
964 Hero (2002)
965 Princess Yang Kwei-Fei (1955) - film langka
966 Yol (1982)
967 You only live once (1937)
968 Young mr. Lincoln (1939)
970 The Emperor's naked army marches on (1987)
971 An actor's revenge (1963)
972 Zabriskie point (1970)
973 Zelig (1983)
974 Life and nothing more... (1992)
975 The Mirror (1975)
976 Zero dark thirty (2012)
978 Platform (2000)
979 Through the olive trees (1994)
980 Zodiac (2007)
981 Zorns lemma (1970) 


1 (Rec) (2007)
2 ...And justice for all (1979)
3 The Beyond (1981)
4 8½ (1963)
5 12 angry men (1957)
6 12 years a slave (2013)
7 24 hour party people (2002)
8 25th hour (2002)
9 28 days later... (2002)
10 2046 (2004)
11 20000 leagues under the sea (1954)
12 A bridge too far (1977)
13 A bronx tale (1993)
14 A canterbury tale (1944)
15 A christmas story (1983)
16 A clockwork orange (1971)
17 A fistful of dollars - Dollars trilogy part 1 (1964)
18 A hard day's night (1964)
19 A history of violence (2005)
20 A letter to three wives (1949)
21 A man called horse (1970)
22 A man escaped (1956)
23 A night at the opera (1935)
24 A nightmare on elm street (1984)
25 À nous la liberté (1931)
26 A page of madness (1926)
27 A Passage to india (1984)
28 A prophet (2009)
29 A serious man (2009)
30 A star is born (1937) - No Subs
31 A streetcar named desire (1951)
32 A taste of honey (1961) - No Subs
33 A Tree grows in brooklyn (1945)
35 A walk in the sun (1945) - No Subs
36 A Woman of paris: A drama of fate (1923)
37 About Schmidt (2002)
38 Adaptation. (2002)
39 Aguirre, the wrath of God (1972)
40 Aladdin (1992)
41 Alice AKA Neco z Alenky (1988)
42 Alice doesn't live here anymore (1974)
43 Alice in the cities (1974)
44 Alice in wonderland (1951)
45 All about Eve (1950)
46 All quiet on the western front (1930)
47 All the president's men (1976)
48 Amadeus (1984)
49 Amarcord (1973)
50 Amélie (2001)
51 America, america (1963)
52 American beauty (1999)
53 American graffiti (1973)
54 American history x (1998)
55 American hustle (2013)
56 American splendor (2003)
57 An unmarried woman (1978)
58 Anastasia (1997)
59 Anatahan (1953) - French Subs 
60 Anatomy of a murder (1959)
61 Andrei Rublev (1966)
62 Angels with dirty faces (1938)
63 Ali: Fear eats the soul (1974)
64 Animal house (1978)
65 Boyhood (2014)
66 Annie Hall (1977)
67 Another year (2010)
68 Face to face (1976)
69 Aparajito - Apu Trilogy part 2 (1956)
70 Apocalypse now (1979)
71 Apollo 13 (1995)
72 Appaloosa (2008)
73 Around the world in eighty days (1956)
74 Arrebato (1980)
75 Arsenic and old lace (1944)
76 As good as it gets (1997)
77 Ashes and Diamonds (1958)
78 Atanarjuat (2001)
79 Atlantic city (1980)
80 Au hasard balthazar (1966)
81 Au revoir les enfants (1987)
82 Avatar (2009)
83 Babe (1995)
84 Babel (2006)
85 Babette's feast (1987)
86 Baby doll (1956)
87 Back to the future (1985)
88 Back to the future part II (1989)
89 Back to the future part III (1990)
90 Ballad of a soldier (1959)
91 Bambi (1942)
92 Barry Lyndon (1975)
93 Batman (1989)
94 Batman begins (2005)
95 Battle royale (2000)
96 Battle in heaven (2005)
97 Beasts of the southern wild (2012)
98 Beat the devil (1953) - No Subs
99 Beauty and the beast (1946)
100 Beauty and the beast (1991)

101 Before the rain (1994)
102 Being John Malkovich (1999)
103 Being there (1979)
104 Belle de jour (1967)
105 Bend of the river (1952)
106 Ben-Hur (1959)
107 Bicycle thieves (1948)
108 Bienvenido mister marshall (1953)
109 Big fish (2003)
110 Billy liar (1963)
111 Black book (2006)
112 Black hawk down (2001)
113 Blade runner (1982)
114 Blue (1993) - film unik, hanya layar biru dengan narasi-                               narasi mengagumkan
115 Blue is warmest color (2013)
116 Blue velvet (1986)
117 Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
118 Born yesterday (1950)
119 Bowling for columbine (2002)
120 Boys don't cry (1999)
121 Brazil (1985)
122 'Breaker' morant (1980)
123 Breathless (1960)
124 Bride of Frankenstein (1953)
125 Bridesmaids (2011)
126 Broadcast news (1987)
127 Brokeback mountain (2005)
128 Bus stop (1956)
129 Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid               (1969)
130 Café Lumière (2003)
131 Captain courageous 
132 Captain courageous (1937)
133 Captain Phillips (2013)
134 Capturing the Friedmans (2003)
135 Carlos (2010) - tv-mini-series
136 Carmen Jones (1954)
137 Casablanca (1942)
138 Casque d'or (1952)
139 Cat on a hot tin roof (1958)

140 Once upon a time in the west (1968)
141 Charulata (1964)
142 Children of a lesser God (1986)
143 Children of men (2006)
144 Chinatown (1974)
145 Chungking express (1994)
146 Citizen Kane (1941) - film terbaik dalam                  sejarah dalam berbagai jajak pendapat 
147 City lights (1931)
148 City of God (2002)
149 Close-up (1990)
150 Coal miner's daughter (1980)
151 Coming home (1978)
152 Confessions of a cheat (1936)
153 Contact (1997)
154 Contempt (1963)
155 Cool hand luke (1967)
156 Coraline (2009)
157 Cowboy bebop: The Movie (2001)
158 Crash (1996)
159 Crash (2004)
160 Cría cuervos (1976)
161 Crimson gold (2003)
162 Cronos (1993)
163 Crossfire (1947) - No Subs
164 Crouching tiger, hidden dragon (2000)
165 Man of iron (1981)
166 Dangerous liaisons (1988)
167 Dark victory (1939)
168 Darling (1965)
169 Das boot (1981)
170 The Nasty girl (1990)
171 David Holzman's diary - No Subs
172 Day of the outlaw (1959)
173 Daybreak (1939)
174 Days of being wild (1990)
175 Days of wine and roses (1962)
176 De vierde man (1983)
177 Dead end (1937)
178 Death of a salesman (1951) - No Subs
179 Der blaue engel (1930)
181 Destry rides again (1939)
182 The Seventh seal (1957)
183 Devdas (2002)
184 The Counterfeiters (2007) 
186 Dinner at eight (1933)
187 District 9 (2009)
188 Diva (1981)
189 Divine intervention (2002)
190 Divorce italian style (1961)
191 Do the right thing (1989)
192 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
193 Dog day afternoon (1975)
194 Dogtooth (2009)
195 Domicile conjugal (1990)
196 Donnie Darko (2001)
197 Don't look now (1973)
198 Double indemnity (1944)
199 Downfall (2004)
200 Dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde (1931)
201 Dr. Strangelove (1964)
202 Dracula (1931)
203 Driving miss Daisy (1989)
204 Drugstore cowboy (1989)
205 Duck soup (1933)
206 Dumbo (1941)
207 E.T. the extra-terrestrial (1982)
208 Earth (1930)
209 East of eden (1955)
210 Eastern promises (2007)
211 Easy rider (1969)
212 Evolution of a filipino family (2004) -                  kualitasnya bisa dibilang buruk namun film
       yang sangat langka
213 Ed Wood (1994)
214 Edward Scissorhands (1990)
215 The Devil's backbone (2001)
216 El norte (1983)
217 Elephant (2003)
218 Elizabeth (1998)
219 Elmer Gantry (1960)
220 Empire of the sun (1987)
221 Eraserhead (1977)
222 Erin Brockovich (2000)
223 Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
224 Europa europa (1990)
225 Evil dead II (1987)
226 Tears of the Black Tiger (2000)
227 Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
228 Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
229 Fanny and Alexander (1982) - HD
230 Fantasia (1940)
231 Fantastic planet (1973)
232 Far from heaven (2002)
233 Fargo (1996)
234 Fat girl (2001)
235 Fatal attraction (1987)
236 Female trouble (1974)
237 Fight club (1999)
238 Five easy pieces (1970)

239 Flight of the red balloon (2007)
240 Floating clouds (1955)
241 For a few dollars more -Dollars trilogy part 2            (1965)
242 Foreign correspondent (1940)
243 Forrest Gump (1994)
244 Fort apache - Cavalry trilogy part 1 (1948)
245 Four weddings and a funeral (1994)
246 Frances Ha (2012)
247 Freaks (1932)
249 Frenzy (1972)
250 Friendly persuasion (1956)
251 From here to eternity (1953)
252 Frost/Nixon (2008)
253 Full metal jacket (1987)
254 Fury (1936)
255 Galaxi quest (1999)
256 Gallipoli (1981)
257 Gandhi (1982)
258 Gangs of new york (2002)
259 Gaslight (1944)
260 Genevieve (1953)
261 Germany year zero (1948) - War trilogy part 1
262 Gerry (2002)
263 Gertrud (1964)
264 Ghost world (2001)
265 Gladiator (2000)
266 Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
267 Glory (1989)
268 Gods and monsters (1998)
269 Going my way (1944)
270 Gomorra (2008)
271 Gone with the wind (1939)
272 Good morning, vietnam (1987)
273 Good night, and good luck. (2005)
274 Goodbye, dragon inn (2003)
275 Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
276 Goodbye, south, goodbye (1996)
277 Goodfellas (1990)
278 Gosford park (2001)
279 Grand hotel (1932)
280 Grave of the fireflies (1988)
281 Gravity (2013)
282 Grease (1978)
283 Greed (1924)
284 Green for danger (1946)
285 Gregory's girl (1981)
286 Grizzly man (2005)
287 Groundhog day (1993)
288 Gunfight at the o.k. corral (1957)
289 Gunga Din (1939)
290 Guys and dolls (1955)
291 Hail the conquering hero (1944)
292 Half Nelson (2006)
293 Halloween (1978)
294 Hamlet (1948) 
295 Happy-go-lucky (2008)
296 Hard boiled (1992)
297 Hearts of darkness: A filmmaker's apocalypse (1991)
298 Heavenly creatures (1994)
300 Heavy traffic (1973)
302 Henry V (1944)
303 Her (2013) 
304 Here comes mr. Jordan (1941)
305 High noon (1952)
306 High sierra (1941)
307 Hiroshima, mon amour (1959)
308 Hope and glory (1987)
309 House of games (1987)
310 How green was my valley (1941)

311 Howards end (1992)
312 Hugo (2011)
313 Husbands and wives (1992)
314 Ikiru (1952)
315 Il grande silenzio (1968)
316 Il postino (1994)
317 I'm all right, Jack (1959) - No Subs
318 In the bedroom (2001)
319 In the heat of the night (1967)
320 In the mood for love (2000)
321 In the mouth of madness (1994)

324 Indiana Jones and the last crusade (1989)
325 Indiana Jones and the temple of doom (1984)
326 Infernal affairs (2002)
327 Inferno (1980)
328 Inglourious basterds (2009)
329 Inherit the wind (1960)
330 Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
331 Intolerance (1916)
332 Iron Man (2008)
333 Iron Man 2 (2010)
334 Irréversible (2002)
335 Island of lost souls (1932)
336 It's  a wonderful life (1946)

337 Ivan the terrible, part I (1944)
338 Ivan the terrible, part II (1958)
339 Ivan's  childhood (1962)
340 The Music Room (1958)
341 A tale of two sisters (2003)
342 Jaws (1975)
343 Jean de Florette (1986)
344 Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 bruxelles (1975)
345 Jesus of montreal (1989)
346 Forbidden games (1952)
347 The Good, the bad, the weird (2008)
348 Johnny Guitar (1954)
349 Julia (1977)
350 Julius Caesar (1953)
351 Juno (2007)
352 Kairo (2001)
353 Kanal (1957)
354 Kelly's heroes (1970)
355 Key largo (1948)
356 Kill Bill - Vol. 1 (2003)
357 Kill Bill - Vol. 2 (2004)
358 Kind hearts and coronets (1949)
359 King Kong (1933)
360 Kings and queen (2004)
361 Kings row (1942)
362 Kiss me deadly (1955)
363 Kiss of the spider woman (1985)
364 Klute (1971)
365 Knockin' on heaven's door (1997)
366 Kolya (1996)
367 The Place promised in our early days (2004)
368  L.A. confidential (1997)  
369 The Battle of Algiers (1966)
370 La cérémonie (1995)
371 La dolce vita (1960)
372 La femme du boulanger (1938)
373 The Unfaithful wife (1969)
374 The Grand illusion (1937)
375 The Official story (1985)
377 The Tenant (1976)
378 Bad education (2004)
379 The Best of youth (2003)
380 The Night of the shooting stars (1982)
381 The Rules of the game (1939)
382 The Son's room (2001)
383 The Dreamlife of angels (1998)
384 Lady and The Tramp (1955)
385 Laagan (2001)
386 L'age d'or (1930)
387 Lamerica (1994)
388 The Blue kite (1993) - kualitas sedang diusahakan untuk diperbaiki
391 Last tango in paris (1972)
392 L'atalante (1934)
393 L'avventura (1960)
394 Lawrence of arabia (1962)
395 The Decline of american empire (1986)
396 Le plaisir (1952)
397 The Tale of the fox (1930)
398 Time regained (1999)
399 Leaving las vegas (1995)
400 Legends of the fall (1994)

401 L'enfant (2005)
402 Leon: The Professional (1994)
403 Children of paradise (1945)
404 Time masters (1982)
405 Les misérables (1935) 
406 Let the right one in (2008)
407 Let's Scare Jessica to death (1971)
408 Letter from an unknown woman (1948)
409 The Clockmaker (1974)
410 Life is beautiful (1997)
411 Life of Brian (1979)
412 Limelight (1952)
413 Limite (1931)

413 Lincoln (2012)
414 Little miss sunshine (2006)
415 Little women (1933)
416 Logan's run (1976)
417 Lola (1981)
418 Lonely are the brave (1962)
419 Lonesome dove (1989)- mini-series
420 Long day's journey into night (1962)
421 Looney, looney, looney Bugs Bunny movie (1981) - No Subs
422 Los angeles plays itself (2003) - No Subs 
423 Lost horizon (1937)
424 Lost in translation (2003)
425 Louisiana story (1948)

426 Love affair (1939) - No Subs
427 Love story (1970)
428 Loves of a blonde (1965)
429 Lust for life (1956)
430 M (1931)
431 Macbeth (1948) 
432 Mad Max (1979)
433 Madame de... (1953)

434 Magnolia (1999)
435 Mahanagar (1963)
436 Kiki's delivery service (1989)
437 Malcolm X (1992)
438 Man with a movie camera (1929)
439 Manhattan (1979)
440 Manon of the spring (1986)
441 The Sea inside (2004)
442 Margaret (2011)
443 Martyrs (2008)
444 Mary Poppins (1964)
445 MASH (1970)
446 Master and commander The Far side of the              world (2003)
447 Maverick (1994)
448 Mean streets (1973)
449 Meek's cutoff (2010)
450 Melvin and Howard (1980)
451 Memento (2000)
452 Men in black (1997)
454 Metropolis (1927)
455 Metropolitan (1990)
456 Michael Clayton (2007)
457 Midnight express (1978)
458 Midway (1976)
459 Milk (2008)
460 Million dollar baby (2004)
461 Missing (1982)
462 Modern times (1936)
463 Moneyball (2011)
464 Monsieur Hire (1989)
465 Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
466 Monsoon wedding (2001)
467 Monster, inc. (2001)
468 Monty Python and the holy grail (1975)
469 Moonlighting (1982)
470 Moonrise kingdom (2012)
471 Morgan: A suitable case for treatment (1966) - No Subs
472 Morvern Callar (2002)
473 Mother (1926) 
474 Mr. Hulot's holiday (1953)
475 Mr. Smith goes to washington (1939)
476 Mrs. Miniver (1942)
477 Mulholland dr. (2001)
478 Munich (2005)
479 Murder, my sweet (1944)
480 My Beautiful laundrette (1985)
481 My Brilliant career (1979)
482 My neighbour Totoro (1988)
483 My night at maud's (1969)
484 My sassy girl (2001)
485 Mystic river (2003)
486 Nanook of the north (1922)
487 Napoléon (1927)
488 Nashville (1972)
489 Nebraska (2013)
490 Network (1976)
491 News from home (1977)
493 Night moves (1975)
494 Night of the living dead (1968)
495 Nights of cabiria (1957)
496 No country for old men (2007)
497 No man's land (2001)
498 North by northwest (1959)
499 Nosferatu (1922)
500 Nosferatu the vampyre (1979) 

501 Nostalgia for the light (2010)
502 Nothing sacred (1937) - No Subs
503 Notre musique (2004)
504 Nuovo cinema paradiso (1988)
505 The Travelling players (1975)
506 Oasis (2002)
507 Obchod na korze (1965)
508 Oci ciornie (1987)
509 Of mice and men (1992)
510 Offside (2006)
511 Oldboy (2003) - Vengeance trilogy part 2
512 Oliver Twist (1948) - No Subs
513 On golden pond (1981)
514 On the waterfront (1954)
515 Once (2006) - No Subs
516 Once upon a time in america (1984)
517 One false move (1992)
518 One flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975)
520 Ong bak (2003)
521 Only yesterday (1991)
522 Ordet (1955)
523 Orphée (1950) - Orphic trilogy part 2
524 When father was away on business (1985)
525 Othello (1965)
526 Out 1, noli me tangere (1971)
527 Out of africa (1985)
528 Perfect blue (1997)
529 Paisan (1946) - War trilogy part 2

530 Pan's labyrinth (2006)
531 Paper moon (1973)
532 Paprika (2006)
533 Paranoid park (2007)
535 Pather panchali (1955) - Apu trilogy part 1
536 Paths of glory (1957)
537 Patton (1970)
538 Arrebato (1980)
539 Persona (1966)
540 Peter Pan (1953)
541 Pi (1998)
542 Pickpocket (1959)
543 Picnic (1955)
544 Pierrot le fou (1965)
545 Pinocchio (1940)
546 Pitch black (2000)
547 Planet of the apes (1968)
548 Platoon (1986)
549 Playtime (1967)
550 Police, adjective (2009)
551 Pom poko (1994)
552 Portrait of Jennie (1948)
553 Princess Mononoke (1997)
554 Prizzi's honor (1985)
555 Psycho (1960)
556 Pulp fiction (1994)
557 Pygmalion (1938)
558 The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
559 Quatermass and the pit (1967)
560 Que la bête meure (1969)
561 Quiz show (1994)
562 Rabbit-proof fence (2002)
563 Raging bull (1980)
564 Raiders of the lost ark AKA Indiana  Jones (1981)
565 Ran (1985)
566 Rancho deluxe (1975)
567 Rancho notorious (1952)
568 Rashômon (1950)
569 Rear window (1954)
570 Repulsion (1965) Apartment trilogy part 1
571 Requiem for a dream (2000)
572 Requiescant (1967)
573 Reversal of fortune (1990)
574 Richard III (1955)
575 Ride lonesome (1959)
576 Riget (1994) - tv mini-series
577 Rio Bravo (1959)
578 Rio grande (1950) - The Cavarly trilogy part 3
579 RoboCop (1987)
580 Rocky (1976)
581 Roger & me (1989)
582 Rome, open city (1945) - War trilogy part 1
583 Romeo and Juliet (1968)
584 Rosemary's baby (1968) - Apartment trilogy part 2
585 'Round midnight (1986)
586 Roundhay garden scene (1888) - bonus (film pertama di dunia)
587 Run silent run deep (1958)
588 Salaam bombay! (1988)
589 Salt of the earth (1954) - No Subs
590 Salvador (1986)
591 Samurai I - Musashi Miyamoto (1954)
592 Samurai II - Duel at ichijoji temple (1955)
593 Samurai III - Duel at ganryu island (1956)
594 San francisco (1936)
595 Sans soleil (1983)
596 Sansho the bailiff (1954)
597 Sátántangó (1994)
598 Savety last! (1923)
599 Saving private Ryan (1998)
600 Saw (2004)

601 Scarface (1932)
602 Scarface (1983)
603 Schindlers list (1993)
604 Se7en (1995)
605 Sepet (2004)
606 Serenity (2005)
607 Sergeant York (1941)
608 Serpico (1973)
609 Seven men from now (1956)
610 Seven samurai (1954)
611 She wore a yellow ribbon (1949) -
                                                                                           - Cavalry trilogy part 2

613 Sherman's march (1985) -No Subs
614 Ship of fools (1965)
615 Show boat (1936)
616 Shrek (2001)
617 Signs (2002)
618 Silent running (1972)
619 Silkwood (1983)
620 Silver linings playbook (2012)
621 Silverado (1985)
622 Singin' in the rain (1952)
623 Sleuth (1972)
624 Smile (1975)
625 Wild strawberries (1957)
626 Snow White and the seven dwarfs (1937)
627 Soldier of orange (1977)
628 Solaris (1972)
629 Some came running (1958)
630 Some like it hot (1959)
631 Song of the south (1946)
632 Sons and lovers (1960) - No Subs
633 Sophie Scholl - The Final days (2005)
634 South park - Bigger, longer and uncut (1999)
635 Soylent green (1973)
636 The Cremator (1969)
637 Spartacus (1960)

638 Speed (1994)
639 Spellbound (1945)
640 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
641 Spirited away (2001)
642 Spoorloos (1988)
643 Spring, summer, fall, winter... and spring (2003)
644 Stage door (1937)
645 Stagecoach (1939)
646 Stalker (1979)
647 Star trek: First contact (1996)
648 Star trek IV: The Voyage home (1986)
649 Star wars (1977)
650 Star wars: Episode III - Revenge of the sith   (2005)
651 Star wars: Episode V - The Empire strikes back (1980)
652 Star wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
653 Stargate (1994)
654 Stories we tell (2012)
655 Strangers on a train (1951)
656 The Spider's stratagem (1970)
657 Straw dogs (1971)
658 Strictly ballroom (1992)
659 Sullivan's travels (1941)
660 Summer hours (2008)
661 Summertime (1955)
662 Sunday bloody sunday (1971)
663 Sunrise: A song of two humans (1927)
664 Sunset blvd. (1950)
665 Sunshine (2007)
666 Superman (1978)
667 Suspiria (1977)
668 Swing time (1936)
669 Sympathy for lady vengeance (2005) - Vengeance trilogy part 3
670 Sympathy for mr. vengeance (2002) - Vengeance trilogy part 1
671 Tabu: A story of the south seas (1931)
672 Take shelter (2011)
674 Talk to her (2002)
675 Tampopo (1985)
676 Targets (1968)
677 Tarnation (2003) - No Subs
678 Taxi driver (1976)
679 Testament of Orpheus (1960) - Orphic trilogy part 3
680 The 40 year old virgin (2005)
681 The Abominable dr. Phibes (1971)
682 The Abyss (1989)
683 The Adventures of prince Achmed (1926)
684 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
685 The African queen (1951)
686 The American astronaut (2001)
687 The American friend (1977)
688 The Apostle (1997)
689 The Asphalt jungle (1950)
690 The Aviator (2004)
691 The Baader Meinhof complex (2008)
692 The Barbarian invasions (2003)
693 The Barefoot contessa (1954)
694 The Battleship potemkin (1925)
695 The Best years of our lives (1946)
696 The Big chill (1983)
697 The Birds (1963)
698 The Birth of a nation (1915)
699 The blood of a poet (1932) - Orphic trilogy part 1
700 The Bourne identity (2002) - Bourne trilogy part 1

701 The Bourne supremacy (2004) - Bourne                 trilogy part 2
702 The Bourne ultimatum (2007) - Bourne                 trilogy part 3
703 The Box of Pandora (1929)
704 The Bridge on the river kwai (1957)
705 The Butcher boy (1997)
706 The Cabinet of dr. Caligari (1920)
707 The Caine mutiny (1954)
709 The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith (1978)
710 The China syndrome (1979)
711 The Circle  (2000)

712 The Circus (1928)
713 The Color purple (1985)
714 The Count of monte cristo (1934) - No Subs
715 The Crowd (1928)
716 The Dark knight (2008)
717 The Day of The Jackal (1973)
718 The Day the earth stood still (1951)
719 The Dead (1987)
720 The Deer hunter (1978)
721 The Departed (2006)
722 The Descendants (2011)
723 The Descent (2005)
725 The Discreet charm of the bourgeoisie (1972)
726 The Diving bell and the butterfly (2007)
727 The Dresser (1983)
728 The Edukators (2004)
729 The Evil dead (1981)
730 The Exorcist (1973)
731 The Fighter (2010)
732 The Fog of the war (2003)
733 The Front page (1931)
734 The Fugitive (1993)
735 The Gatekeepers (2012)
736 The General (1926)
737 The Ghost writer (2010)
738 The Go-between (1970)
739 The Godfather (1972)
740 The Godfather - part II (1974)
741 The Godfather - part III (1990)
742 The Gold rush (1925)
743 The Good earth (1937)
744 The Good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
745 The Goodbye girl (1977)
746 The Graduate (1967)
747 The Grapes of wrath (1940)
748 The Great dictator (1940)
749 The Great McGinty (1940)
750 The Greatest show on earth (1952)
751 The Grifters (1990)
752 The Gunfighter (1950)
753 The Hangover (2009)
754 The Hidden fortress (1958)
755 The Hill (1965)
756 The Hired hand (1971)
757 The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (2005)
758 The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939)
759 The Human condition I - No greater love (1959)
760 The Human condition II - The Road to eternity (1959)
761 The Human condition III - A soldier's prayer (1961)
762 The Hurt locker (2008)
763 The Invisible man (1933)
764 The Ipcress file (1965)
765 The Jungle book(1967)
766 The Kid (1921)
767 The Kids are all right (2010)
768 The Killing fields (1984)
769 The King and the mockingbird (1980)
770 The King of comedy (1982)
771 The Knack... and how to get it (1965)
772 The Last detail (1973)
773 The Last of the mohicans (1992)
774 The Last seduction (1994)
775 The Last waltz (1978)
776 The Leopard (1963)
777 The Letter (1940)
778 The Lion king (1994)
779 The Little foxes (1941)
780 The Lives of others (2006)
781 The Long good friday (1980)
782 The Long riders (1980)
783 The Longest day (1962)
784 The Lord of the rings: The Fellowship of the ring (2001)
785 The Lord of the rings: The Return of the king (2003)
786 The Lord of the rings: The Two towers (2002)
787 The Magnificent ambersons (1942)
788 The Maltese falcon (1941)
789 The Man from laramie (1955)
790 The Man in the white suit (1951)
791 The Man who laughs (1928)
792 The Man who planted trees 
794 The Man who shot Liberty Valance (1962)
795 The Manchurian candidate (1962)
796 The Meaning of life (1983)
797 The Men (1950) - No Subs
798 The Miracle worker (1962)
799 The Missouri breaks (1976)
800 The Mother and the whore (1973)

802 The Music man (1962)
803 The Naked city (1948)
804 The New world (2005)
805 The Night of the hunter (1955)
806 The Nun's story (1959)
807 The Omega man (1971)
808 The Others (2001)
809 The Parallax view (1974)
810 The Passenger (1975)
811 The Passion of Anna (1969)
812 The Passon of Joan of arc (1928)
813 The Pawnbroker (1964)
814 The People vs Larry Flynt (1996)
815 David Copperfield (1935)
816 The Phantom carriage (1921)

817 The Phantom of the opera (1925)
818 The Philadelphia story (1940)
819 The Pianist (2002)
820 The Piano (1993)
821 The Pink panther (1963)
822 The Player (1992)
823 The Postman always rings twice (1946)
824 The Princess and the frog (2009)
825 The Prisoner of Zenda (1927)
826 The Private life of Henry VIII (1933)
827 The Producers (1967)
828 The Professionals (1966)
829 The Red shoes (1948)
830 The Remains of the day (1993)
831 The Return (2003)
832 The Sea hawk (1940)
833 The Searchers (1956)
834 The Set-up (1949)
835 The Shawshank redemption (1994)
836 The Shining (1980)
837 The Shootist (1976)
                                                                                    838 The Silence (1963) - Faith trilogy part 3

839 The Silence of the lambs (1991)
840 The Sixth sense (1999)
841 The Snake pit (1948)
842 The Social network (2010)
843 The Sound of music (1965)
844 The Spiral staircase (1945)
845 The Spirit of the beehive (1973)
846 The Squid and the whale (2005)
847 The Straight story (1999)
848 The Sugarland express (1974)
849 The Sun (2005)
850 The Texas chainsaw massacre (1974)
851 The Thief of bagdad (1924)
852 The Thief of bagdad (1940)
853 The Thing (1982)
854 The Third man (1949)
855 The Three burials of Melquiades Estrada (2005)
856 The Time machine (1960)
857 The Tragedy of Othello - The Moor of venice (1952)
858 The Train (1964)
859 The Treasure of the sierra madre (1948)
860 The Tree of wooden clogs (1978)
861 The Truman show (1998)
862 The Unbearable lightness of being (1988)
863 The Usual suspect (1995)
864 The Wages of fear (1953)
865 The Westerner (1940)
866 The White ribbon (2009)
867 The Wicker man (1973)
868 The Wild bunch (1969)
869 The Wind (1928)
870 The Wings of eagles (1957)
871 The Wizard of Oz (1939)
872 The Women (1939)
873 The World (2004)
874 The World of Apu (1959) - The Apu trilogy part 3
875 The Wrestler (2008)
876 The Wrong man (1956)
877 The X files: The Movie (1998)
878 The Year of living dangerously (1982)
879 Them! (1954)
880 There will be blood (2007)
881 There's always tomorrow (1956)
882 They died with their boots on (1941)
883 They shoot horses, don't they? (1969) - No Subs
884 Thirty seconds over tokyo (1944)
885 This is spinal tap (1984)
886 This sporting life (1963)
887 Three colors - Blue (1993) - Three colors trilogy part 1
888 Three colors - Red (1995) - Three colors trilogy part 3
889 Three colors - White (1994) - Three colors trilogy part 2
890 Three kings (1999)
891 Three times (2005)
892 Throne of blood (1957)
893 Through a glass darkly (1961) - Faith trilogy part 1
894 Titanic (1953)
895 Titanic (1997) 
896 To have and have not (1944)
897 To kill a mockingbird (1962)
898 Together (2000)
899 The Girl who leapt through time (2006)
900 Tokyo story (1953)

901 Tombstone (1993)
902 Tora! tora! tora! (1970)
903 Touch of evil (1958)
904 Toy story (1995)
905 Toy story 2 (1999)
906 Toy story 3 (2010)
907 TRON (1982)
908 True grit (1969)
909 True grit (2010)
910 Tsotsi (2005)
911 Tunes of glory (1960)
912 Twelve o'clock high (1949)
913 Twentieth century (1934)
914 Two lovers (2008)
915 Lola (1961)
916 Ugetsu (1953)
917 Ulzana's raid (1972)
919 A sunday in the country (1984)
920 Unknown pleasures (2002)
921 Up (2009)
922 Van Gogh (1991)
923 Vera cruz (1954)
924 Vera drake (2004)
925 Vertigo (1958)
926 Victim (1961)
927 Viva Zapata! (1952)
928 Waiting for happines (2002)
929 Wall-E (2008)
930 War and peace (1956)
931 Watership down (1978)
932 We need to talk about Kevin (2011)
933 Went the day well (1942)

934 Were were soldiers (2002)
935 West side story (1961)
936 What ever happened to Baby Jane (1962)
937 What time is it there? (2001)
938 What's eating Gilbert grape (1993)
939 Where eagles dare (1968)
940 Where is the friend's home? (1987)
941 Whisky Galore! (1949) - No Subs
942 Whisper of the heart (1995)
943 White material (2009)
944 Who framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
945 Wings (1927)
946 Wings (1966)
947 Winter light (1963) - Faith trilogy part 2
948 Winter's bone (2010)
949 Wise blood (1979)
950 Woman of the year (1942)
951 Women in love (1969)
952 Wonder boys (2000)
953 Y tu mamá también (2001)
954 Yankee doodle dandy (1942)
955 Yesterday girl (1966)
956 Yi yi: A one and a two... (2000)
957 You can count on me (2000)
958 Young Frankenstein (1974)
959 Z (1969)
960 Zoolander (2001)
961 Zulu (1964)